Dead Snow: Red vs. Dead

Dead Snow Red vs. Dead Norwegian Dd Sn is a 2014 NorwegianIcelandic horror comedy film directed by Tommy Wirkola. It is a sequel to Wirkolas 2009 film Dead Snow. The film was released in Norway onFebruary and in the United States onOctober 2014. Vegar Hoel reprises his role from the first film as Martin, the sole survivor of an attack by Nazi zombies led by the evil Herzog rjan Gamst. Filming took place in Iceland.

Bobby, a young American tourist, sneaks into Martins room when he hears rumors of a zombie attack. Impressed with Martins zombie arm, Bobby frees Martin and tells him about the Zombie Squad, American professional zombie hunters. Before Bobby can contact them, the zombie arm throws Bobby out a window. Panicked, Martin follows and administers CPR. The zombie arm instead crushes Bobbys chest, killing him. Martin flees the police, who believe him a child killer, and makes contact with the Zombie Squad, who promise to come to Norway and assist. In the meantime, they ask Martin to find out what Herzog wants. After the call, the Zombie Squad is revealed to be three nerdy friends Daniel, Monica, and Blake.At a World War II museum, Martin meets Glenn Kenneth. After the zombie arm intimidates him, Glenn tells Martin about Herzogs history Herzog was originally tasked by Hitler himself to wipe out a Norwegian town for their antiNazi sabotage. As Martin realizes Herzog intends to carry out his orders, Herzog and his Nazi zombies attack a group of tourists outside the museum. After the battle, he resurrects the dead and takes a World War IIera Tiger tank. Martin and Glenn escape death by pretending to be mannequins in the museum. While surveying the carnage, Martin accidentally discovers that his zombie arm can also raise the dead. When Daniel arrives, he kills Martins sidekick zombie Martin demonstrates his newfound power by raising it again. ........

Source: Wikipedia